This Composting Toilet Is A Game Changer For Tiny Houses!
If you’re a tiny house owner looking for the perfect composting toilet solution for a home that you don’t intend to regularly move, then the Clivus Multrum LP (low-profile) is a total game changer. It’s compact and designed to fit underneath a tiny house.
It’s completely odourless, significantly lower maintenance than a conventional bucket-composting toilet and it also looks fantastic in the home.
Perfect For Tiny Homes
For tiny houses, composting toilets are a perfect fit and with the Clivus Multrum LP we finally have a composting toilet that has been specifically designed with tiny homes in mind.
This is a split system composting toilet, which means the toilet pedestal sits above the floor, while the composting chamber sits below floor. That means no need to carry an awkward toilet bucket out of your bathroom when time to empty!
With an underfloor clearance of only 450mm, the LP can comfortably fit underneath most tiny home trailers.
The composting chambers, which fits comfortably underneath the trailer of your tiny house, each have an inbuilt compost mixer. Accessing this mixer underneath your home will turn the composting pile, aerating it and helping to prevent coning for the most effective use of space.
Easy To Use
The package comes with two composting chambers but if you have more people using the system you can always add chambers to increase capacity. One is an in service chamber that is in place below the house and under the toilet pedestal, the other is the out of service chamber set aside for composting.
When purchasing your composting toilet it’s always important to specify the number of people using the system to ensure that you have enough chambers and can get the most out of your system.
Once the in service chamber is full, you simply move it aside, attach the breathable black lid (with insect screen) and allow to
compost while the second chamber is placed under the pedestal to fill. By the time the second chamber is full, the contents of the first
chamber will have composted to a point they are ready to be buried in the garden. This makes the system incredibly easy to use and the large
volume of the composting chamber means less frequent maintenance.

It’s Odourless
Thanks to the ventilation fan which functions on DC power for off-grid homes and via AC power adaptor for those with grid power supply, the toilet is consistently back vented. That means you never need to worry about odour problems.
In fact, fan vented toilet users experience even less odour than with conventional flushing toilets thanks to the continuous extraction of both air and therefore smells.
Especially for those in tiny homes, this is huge positive that can’t be ignored!
They Look Great!
In the past, composting toilets have not been an attractive option for the home but with the Clivus Miltrum LP that’s no longer an issue.
The supplied porcelain toilet pedestal looks great and is designed to fit beautifully into the modern bathroom. If required, other pedestal options are available to make sure your composting toilet will fit the aesthetic of your home.
One of the things that I especially like about this composting toilet is that it’s doesn’t have a urine divider, which means that as a guy, there’s no need to sit down to pee.
In fact, with the exception of the fact it doesn’t flush and that you need to put some cover material (such as wood shavings) into the toilet with each use, the Clvius Multrum LP looks and feels like a regular toilet to use. This is especially great news for those who like to entertain and have visitors, as in the past composting toilets could be a scary experience for visitors.
More Options For Your Tiny House Bathroom
Recently, we visited an incredible tiny house build in Queenstown which has utilised the Clivus Multrum LP. In this video, we meet owner Leon who talks about his toilet and how it’s ability to handle moisture even makes it a great option for use along with a bidet sprayer! You can see the tour of this home below.
Where To Purchase
Clivus Multrum composting toilets are available through Ecoflo Wastewater Management in Australia, and Waterless Composting Toilets NZ in New Zealand. To find out more about these products, be sure to reach out to see if it’s the right fit for you!
For full disclosure, Ecoflo Wastewater Management have sent us one of their Clivus Multrum LP composting toilets to use in an
exciting future project in exchange for this article. After seeing one of these units in person, I reached out to Ecoflo for